A colostomy is a medical procedure in which any region of the large bowel (colon) is brought to the outside of the abdomen. The opening that Is created as a result of this procedure is termed a stoma. The waste from the bowel moves through this newly created path and is collected in a pouch that is placed over the stoma.
Why A Colostomy is needed?
Colostomies are mostly performed in case of any trauma, injuries, or deceased part of the large bowel or colon. Other situations in which a colostomy is required are mentioned below:
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Colorectal Cancer
How much time a Colostomy demand?
Typically, a temporary colostomy takes few weeks or several years. Another surgery is performed after the recovery of the colon, the stoma gets closed and the different parts of the colon rejoin again. After this second surgery, you will have normal bowel movements. In some cases, there are complexities and a colostomy lasts forever.
A permanent colostomy will stick to you for your whole life. In the cases when the surgeon needs to remove any part of the colon, a permanent colostomy is performed. In this situation, the colon is in very poor condition and its parts can’t work anymore.
What are different types of Colostomy?
Your surgeon will decide the type of colostomy you need after examining your health condition and reports. There are three main types of colostomy:
Ascending colostomy: The stoma is located on the right side of the belly. The bowel movement is mostly liquid and it passes through the stoma.
Transverse Colostomy: The stoma is located on the upper part of the abdomen in the middle or right side. The waste produced as a result is mostly soft and loose. In some cases, there are two stomas. One stoma is used for the removal of bowel movements and the other is used for the exit of mucus. This type is called loop colostomy.
Descending /Sigmoid Colostomy: The stoma is located on the inferior left side of the belly. The waste formed is hard and firm.
How can your surgeon help you?
First of all the Ostomy expert will explain to you the upcoming changes in your life. They will guide you about the Colostomy special products, how to change the stoma bag. They will also give several tips about daily activities such as showering, diet, and physical activities. You may consult with other people with a colostomy. It will be great if you come along with a family member or friend. So that they could also know about basic cares. Try to note down your queries before your every visit to the hospital.
Before few weeks of your surgery, you may need to act upon the following advices:
If you have been using any blood-thinning drugs then you must stop them. These drugs include NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin. Your Ostomy guide will also foretell you about any other drugs with the same effect.
You must see your surgeon before surgery. The surgeon will discuss with you the best location for the stoma. A surgeon marks the stomal area with a pen or marker. He or she will ask you to sit, stand and lie down with different postures so that any kind of leakage or skin issue can be avoided.
You may require taking antibiotics before the surgery. This antibiotic avoids any kind of infection.
You will be asked to stop eating any kind of solid food two to three days before the surgery; it will aid your colon to remain empty before the surgery. You can consult your doctor about diet. Usually, it is recommended not to eat raw veggies, meat, and pork.
You might be allowed to drink simple water a day before the surgery. Your doctor may advise an enema or laxative for the complete cleaning of the colon one night before the surgery.
What will happen during the surgery?
In the case of open surgery, a single large incision is made in the mid of your abdomen. In the case of laparoscopic surgery, three to four incisions are created in the abdomen. Then your abdomen will be filled with carbon dioxide (gas) with the help of laparoscopic tools. This gas helps in the uplifting of the nearby organs and abdominal muscles away from the colon. Your surgeon will cut through the muscles to the colon. The surgeon will carefully look for any injury or disease related to the colon.
Your colon will be cut off into further two parts. The surgeon might remove the diseased or any injured part of the colon. And one terminal of the colon will be brought to the opening created in the abdomen, stoma. And the other terminal might be closed permanently or in some cases, another stoma is created. In the case of two openings, a rod might be located under the stoma that will help the stoma to remain above the skin. The other incisions created during surgery are closed by the stitches or staples. The surgeon will attach an appliance called Ostomy bag over the stoma. The waste material passes through the stoma and will enter this bag.
In case, if your rectum and anus have been removed, it will leave a wound at your posterior. For this calamity, you can use pads and bandages to avoid drainage.
What happens following the surgery?
You will be under strict observation until you get conscious completely. You may need to remain in the hospital for 7 to 8 days. While your stay at the hospital you will know about all basic care. You will also be trained about how to use the Ostomy supplies.
What are common risks following a Colostomy?
Even though there is proper treatment. Some conditions will bring colostomy again, even though there is proper treatment. Any infection might attack you or there can be excessive bleeding. Your nerves or any other organ may get damaged during the surgery. The stoma may get blocked or narrower. There may occur any blood clot in your legs. It can be fatal.
A hernia is also among the risks of colostomy. In some cases, blood can’t reach stomal tissue leading to their death. There may be colon leakage due to the incisions and the fluid can enter your abdomen. This may be a reason for any fatal infection. Several surgeries are needed to resolve these kinds of issues.
The Bottom Line
You have a right to have proper treatment and care. You should consult your doctor before and after the surgery. You should have a follow-up about your health. You can get help from Ostomy experts about different Ostomy products and can choose the best one for you. The information provided above is just a general talk. A patient must not apply it in daily life. You need to talk to your surgeon, Ostomy nurse, or any related pharmacist.